Burton W. Peretti
Historian and Author
20th Century Politics, Culture, and Music

Articles, Essays & Reviews
(click on links where available)
"Lift Every Voice and Sing," CNN Interactive
"Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing," Library of Congress Registry of Recorded Sound
"Jelly Roll Morton: 'Black Bottom Stomp,'" Library of Congress Registry of Recorded Sound
"Whale Oil to Electric Billboards: Illuminating the Industrial City," Journal of Urban History
Review of book, "The Rebel Cafe," Gotham: A Blog for Scholars of New York City History
Review of book, "Jazz Italian Style," Journal of Popular Music Studies
"Freedom! The Jazz Groove Special" (radio script),
www.JazzGroove.org (July 4, 2018)
"Making JFK Matter," review, American Historical Review
"100 Years of Nightlife: The Impenetrable Velvet Rope," Paper
“Lincoln: Reel and Real," op-ed piece
Evaluating JFK 50 Years after His Inauguration
"Speaking in the Groove: Oral History and Jazz"
"Caliban Reheard: New Voices on Jazz and American Consciousness"
"Democratic Leitmotivs in the American Reception of Wagner"
"This is Our Music: Free Jazz, the Sixties, and American Culture," review
"Come In and Hear the Truth: Jazz and Race on 52nd Street," review
"Mavericks and Other Traditions in American Music," review
"The Red Hot Jazz Archive: A History of Jazz before 1930," review